Edmundo Timm
International School of Geneva
62 route de chene
1208 Geneve
Telefon: +41789133546
Coordinator of the Mindfulness Program at ECOLINT - International School of Geneva, LGB Campus since 2015 - Switzerland - www.ecolint.ch
Fundamental MBSR and PTI at the Institut Pleine Conscience with Gwénola Herbette - Belgium
MBSR UMAS avec Brenda Fingold - USA
Study Case for the book The Mindful School - transforming school culture through Mindfulness and Compassion - edited by Patricia Jennings - Guilford Publications - USA
Gesellschaftliche Felder
- Alltag und Gesellschaft
- Eltern und Kinder
- Beruf und Unternehmen
- Schule und Bildung
- Gesundheitswesen